Brain Health Registry


Brain Health Registry PSA with Paula Abdul, 2017

WINNER- Platinum PR and Agency Elite award for Public Service Announcement

With this campaign, Landis Communications Inc. (LCI) and the Global Alzheimer's Platform (GAP) Foundation sought to create awareness among the over-50 crowd about the need for greater participation in Alzheimer’s clinical trials.

This content also provided fresh news angles for traditional media to talk about Alzheimer’s. LCI negotiated media sponsorships with multiple TV stations nationwide to air the announcements. LCI also pitched the PSA campaign to national media outlets.

Results of the campaign included (from January to August 2016) LCI adding nearly 10,000 new members to the Brain Health Registry, increasing membership by 27% compared to previous months. And, from January to August 2016, LCI drove 376,000 users to the BHR website. The PSAs aired nearly 20,000 times across major U.S. cities, including all the top 10 DMAs.


Pawlidayz Cesar Millan


The Venetian